Heat Safety Policy

In the interest of protecting our players during unseasonably high heat/humidity conditions, SAY of Chicago has adopted the following Heat Safety Policy effective immediately. Such policy is based on a "heat index" which is widely used by outdoor sports leagues as the basis for player safety. The index is calculated based on local conditions and widely available in the media/internet and monitored on a regular basis throughout the day.

Heat Index

The Heat Index is an accurate measure of how hot it really feels when the effects of humidity are added to high temperature. The chart below illustrates various combinations of air temperature versus relative humidity. To use the chart, locate the air temperature along the top row and the relative humidity (RH) along the left column. The cell where the two intersect is the heat index. For example, an air temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of 60 percent intersect at a heat index of 100 degrees. In other words, the temperature would feel like 100 degrees with this humidity/temperature combination.

Heat Index Chart (Temperature & Relative Humidity)
Temperature (° F)
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
90 119 123 128 132 137 141 146 152 157 163 168 174 180 186 193 199
85 115 119 123 127 132 136 141 145 150 155 161 166 172 178 184 190
80 112 115 119 123 127 131 135 140 144 149 154 159 164 169 175 180
75 109 112 115 119 122 126 130 134 138 143 147 152 156 161 166 171
70 106 109 112 115 118 122 125 129 133 137 141 145 149 154 158 163
65 103 106 108 111 114 117 121 124 127 131 135 139 143 147 151 155
60 100 103 105 108 111 114 116 120 123 126 129 133 136 140 144 148
55 98 100 103 105 107 110 113 115 118 121 124 127 131 134 137 141
50 96 98 100 102 104 107 109 112 114 117 119 122 125 128 131 135
45 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 113 115 118 120 123 126 129
40 92 94 96 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 116 118 121 123
35 91 92 94 95 97 98 100 102 104 106 107 109 112 114 116 118
30 89 90 92 93 95 96 98 99 101 102 104 106 108 110 112 114


Heat Index under 95° Actions:
  • Parents should bring and provide ample amounts of water. This means water should always be available and players should take in as much water as they want.
  • Water breaks at halftime (i.e. after 20 minutes of play); minimum 10 minutes duration.
  • Players that want to take a break should do so at any time
  • Watch/monitor players carefully
Heat Index 95° to 99° Actions:
  •  Parents should bring and provide ample amounts of water. This means water should always be available and players should take in as much water as they want.
  • Water breaks at halftime (i.e. after 20 minutes of play); minimum 10 minutes duration.
  • Players should be rotated out every 10 minutes
  • Any players that want to take a break should do so at any time
  • Watch/monitor players carefully
Heat index 100° to 104° Action:
  • Parents should bring and provide ample amounts of water. This means water should always be available and players should take in as much water as they want.
  • Water breaks every 10 minutes; minimum 5 minutes duration.
  • Players should be rotated out every 5 minutes
  • Players that want to take a break should do so at any time
  • Watch/monitor players carefully
Heat index above 104° Action:
  • Game cancelled.

Given that we are a 100% parent-volunteer organization, we ask all parents to work with coaches and team managers in following the above policy. Notification will be given through our website under the same protocol as the rainouts.

Lastly, the above are meant to be general guidelines for the league. It is the responsibility of each parent to make the ultimate decision as to the participation of their child in games when heat may be a factor, taking into consideration the age and physical condition of the player. Parents also have the ultimate responsibility to inform their child about the dangers of heat and need for protection, including sunscreen and proper hydration.


Say of Chicago

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